How to choose your Satellite IoT provider?
31 Jan 2023 | 4 min read
Satellite IoT (SatIoT) enables asset tracking and monitoring anywhere, regardless of blind spots, without cellular coverage. Ope...
Until now, many organisations – including System Integrators (SIs) and their end users – have struggled to create and support the business case for deploying IoT solutions that can offer comprehensive global coverage and efficient and reliable connectivity two-way communications between assets and command centres.
Thanks to Satellite IoT (SatIoT), there is now an opportunity to use this technology to increase visibility, transparency, and control over assets globally. Moreover, the potential for use cases across various sectors is almost limitless but requires the right SatIoT technology and integration.
In the past, these types of IoT solutions have typically been complex, costly, or unavailable. However, Due to developments in SatIoT technology, the mindset is changing. Organisations that recognise the potential of going beyond terrestrial IoT will be able to create new competitive advantages too. Moreover, working with providers enabling bidirectional communication between devices and assets presents a game changer for many industries and use cases. So, what is bidirectional communication, and why is it important?
Two-way communications between assets and their command centres are essential, and bidirectional IoT has a significant role today. Traditionally, many assets in the field would have only been able to send data back to command centres about their status.
However,sending commands back to assets rather than only receiving data from them is hugely powerful and enables an array of new use cases, including remote equipment management. For example, it allows farmers to command silos to release food, open gates, or manage irrigation systems without needing expensive and often hard-to-source human interaction.
Utility companies can remotely control water management systems in line with flood prevention strategies. With information seamlessly integrated with existing analytics, AI, or machine learning solutions, organisations can use this data to improve understanding and direct actions of remote assets.
Aside from using bidirectional communication to send commands to assets in the field, it can provide equipment with remote upgrades and security patches, extending device life in the field. Bidirectional communication also allows for confirming the achievement of data transfer. For example, cargo owners can gain confidence in the integrity of their cargo within shipping containers, with the ability to re-transmit information if a confirmation has not been received from a high-value container.
An IoT deployment can only achieve its value if the solution exploits data. Today, the benefit that bidirectional communication offers organisations is powerful as it allows companies to not only receive information from assets but also to communicate and control them appropriately.
All this is possible thanks to the latest generation of SatIoT – available at a price point today that presents new business opportunities to SIs and their customers. But the challenge is to achieve integration without compromising performance or undermining the business case for IoT.
If you’d like to find out how to develop a compelling IoT business case to support your IoT operations, take a look at our Astropreneur Programs and get in touch today.