Satellite IoT Company Astrocast Goes Public
25 Aug 2021
Astrocast lists on Euronext Growth Oslo LAUSANNE, Switzerland, August 25, 2021 – Astrocast SA, the leading Swiss I...
Astrocast received the Innovation PERL prize 2019 from the Lausanne region. Building on the successful launch of our two first nanosatellites, Kiwi and Hawaii. The Lausanne region decided to recognize us as one of the most innovative companies in the area.
For this selection, the municipality of Lausanne took into consideration the launches mentioned above. However, also Astrocast’s potential to become a significant player in the global telecommunications’ ecosystem. Also, most importantly, be the first Swiss company to achieve this.
in the global telecommunications’ ecosystem
Over the years, the Lausanne Region Entrepreneur Awards (PERL, for its initials in French) have become a central element of Lausanne Region’s support to companies established in the territory of its member municipalities.
To that end, each year, a jury formed by representatives from academic, economic, financial, industrial, political and media circles, is responsible for studying the concurrents’ files and nominating the winners.
As a result, the jury selects the best start-ups and hands-out three awards: PERL Trophy, Jury’s favorite and, Perl Innovation Prize. Therefore, we feel deeply honored to be among INVOLI SA and Aurora’s Grid Sàrl, respectively.
This prize encourages us to keep up in our mission of building and operating the most advanced and sustainable satellite IoT network.